Newton Star (real name: simply Newton) is one of the supporting characters of the PJ Masks series. He is a scientist and a nighttime hero known for helping the PJ Masks, eventually forming with them (along with An Yu and Ice Cub) a new team known as the Power Heroes by the end of the Season 6 episode "Heroes Everywhere." He first appeared in the Season 4 episode "Asteroid Accident." Official Website descriptionNewton is an ordinary, book-obsessed kid by day from a different city to the PJ’s, but by night he transforms into protector of space – Newton Star! This is why he hasn’t met the PJ Masks before – and why he can’t be with them all the time. He has no wings but flies with the help of asteroids, gliding through space with incredible skill. He can breathe in space too – without any special gear! Physical appearanceAs NewtonNewton has dark skin, short black hair, and green eyes. He wears a red striped vest with a blue checkered long-sleeved shirt underneath, blue jeans, and purple plaid shoes. He also wears red glasses on his face. As Newton StarNewton Star wears a yellow superhero jumpsuit with red and black thunderbolt details. On his chest, he carries a circular stone with a white center and five colored stones around it in a star-pattern, which, as revealed in "Newton and the Ninjas," links to the Listening Stone he gave to the PJ Masks. He also has a star haircut design on both sides of his head. After becoming a member of the Power Heroes, he now wears a yellow mask with red straps and red and black thunderbolt details on the side whenever the team is called into action. PersonalityNewton Star is a friendly yet shy kid. Originally, he preferred to be alone, though over the course of the series, he gradually warms up to the PJ Masks and begins to like hanging out with them. He is very intelligent as he studies asteroids and knows how to harness their magical powers and use them to fight against villains such as Romeo, Night Ninja, the Ninjalinos and Luna Girl. Motive & AbilitiesMotiveNewton Star's motive is to guard the asteroids in outer space and stop them from being stolen by villains who want to use them for their future schemes. He's really fascinated by asteroids and likes to perform experiments with them. AbilitiesNewton draws his powers from his asteroids, which are connected to the emblem on his chest. So far, his abilities include:
As seen in "Luna Kazoomer," Newton will lose his powers if he gives up his asteroids. Star Power (effects from the Psychoactive Asteroid)