Orticia is a former antagonist who reformed in the television series PJ Masks. She was created from an ancient seed that came from a faraway jungle 3,000 years ago, which Romeo stole from the museum and experimented on. She first appeared in the Season 5 episode "Orticia Blooms."
Orticia retains the same appearance as that of her original book counterpart, with the exception of lacking mini-venus flytraps at the sides of her head (as she is not an Ancient Greek-themed villain, and to be more grounded to her nature themes). She also has legs, whereas her book counterpart's body was a vine from the waist down.
Orticia is usually peaceful when she grows and takes care of her plants, but becomes antagonistic when others try to disturb them or stop her from growing them everywhere, using her powers to stop them from doing so. She is also misunderstood about how her plants are lovely to her, despite being told that they are spiky and cause trouble.
Since Orticia was created from one of Romeo's experiments, she doesn't have the same level of life experience that a regular kid does. For example, she doesn't know the meaning of common words like "friend". Eventually she did learn about friendship in "Pondweed Party" and became friends with the PJ Masks after helping them defeat Octobella.
Motive & Abilities
Orticia's motive is to grow her plants everywhere, making sure that no one interferes with her doing so or disturbs them.
Powers & Abilities
Florakinesis: Orticia has full control over plants and plant life. She can instantly grow plants wherever she is, order plants to fight for her, or give plants increased intelligence, like when she created the Pumpkins. The list of plants she created are as follows:
Baby Pumpkins: Grown by Greg, but now under Orticia's ownership after being made sentient.
Sleepy Creepers: Large glowing pink and light green plants that put people to sleep and darken their surroundings.
Pondweed Plant: A large plant grown by both Orticia and Octobella, however, the latter tricking her into doing so in order to create a plant prison and keep it growing.