To read about the episode of the same name, see Pirate Robot (episode).
Pirate Robot is a robot accidentally created by Romeo. He's a former antagonist turned hero in the television series PJ Masks. He first appeared in the Season 5 episode of the same name. OriginsPirate Robot was originally created to be a chef for Romeo, who had grown tired of Robot's poor cooking. Just as Romeo had loaded the necessary components into a machine that would assemble the robot, Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos, who were playing pirate, infiltrated the Flying Factory. In the chaos that followed, Night Ninja's pirate hat fell into the machine and was added to the components, resulting in Pirate Robot's creation. Pirate Robot immediately turned on his creator and became a villain in his own right. Since the events of "Owlette, the Pirate Queen," Pirate Robot has shifted from being a villain to a hero, allying himself with the PJ Masks and other heroes, such as Newton, Ice Cub, and An Yu, although he can sometimes still clash with them through his actions. Physical appearancePirate Robot wears a pirate hat with a skull and fork and knife as the bones and pirate boots. His pirate hat contains a talking rubber chicken he calls Hornswoggle that randomly pops out stating various cooking instructions. PersonalityPirate Robot acts like a stereotypical pirate. He frequently uses pirate jargon, though with a robotic spin on the usual phrases (for example, he says "shiver me circuits" or "shiver me screwdrivers" rather than "shiver me timbers"). Like pirates, he is interested in finding treasures. Despite being created by Romeo, he has no loyalty towards his creator and ditched him immediately after his creation. He is on friendlier terms with the PJ Masks than most villains, and Owlette in particular admitted that she considered him funny in "Pirate Robot." Motive & AbilitiesMotivesPirate Robot is mainly motivated by his desire to find treasures. Whenever he thinks there is a treasure to be found, he will do almost anything to get his hands on it. Powers & Abilities