PJ Masks Wiki
PJ Masks Wiki
PJ Masks Wiki
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Season 1

Blame it on the Train, Owlette

Catboy and the Pogo Dozer

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Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble

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Catboy and the Shrinker

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Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade

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Owlette the Winner

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Speak UP, Gekko!

Owlette and the Giving Owl

Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue

Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus

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Looking After Gekko

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Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino

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Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile

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Catboy's Flying Fiasco

Clumsy Catboy

Catboy Takes Control

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Owlette's Two Wrongs

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Gekko Floats

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Catboy's Great Gig

Owlette's New Move

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Owlette of a Kind

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Beat the Drum, Catboy

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Catboy Squared

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Gekko's Super Gekko Sense

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Gekko's Blame Campaign

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Owlette and the Moonflower

Slow Down, Catboy!

Gekko's Special Rock

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Season 2

Moonfizzle Balls

Night of the Cat

Terrible Two-Some

Ninja Moths

Wacky Floats

PJ Power Up

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May the Best Power Win

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The Wolfy Kids

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Meet Armadylan

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Wolfy Mountain

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Owlette Comes Clean

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Halloween Tricksters

The Wolfies Take HQ

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The Dragon Gong

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Flight of the Ninja


Season 3

Armadylan Zen

Way of the Woofy

Take Romeo Off The Road

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Do The Gekko

The Prank Wheelz

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The PJ Masks Save Christmas

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PJ Party Crasher

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PJ Robot Vs Romeo

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes

Heroes Everywhere

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I Scream for Wolfies

The Christmas Ninjalinos

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Wolfy Treasure Hunt


Catboy's Tiny Problem

The Catastrophe Stone


Concept Arts and Storyboards

PJ Masks Character Galleries
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot |
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot | Armadylan | An Yu | Newton Star | Bastet | Lilyfay | Ice Cub |
PJ Animals
| PJ Pets (Alley Cat, Owly, and Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, and Power Lizard) |
| Romeo | Luna Girl | Night Ninja | Wolfy Kids (Howler, Rip, and Kevin) | Motsuki | Munki-gu | Octobella | Pharaoh Boy | Speedy Twins (Carly and Cartoka) |
| Robot | Moths | Ninjalinos | PJ Robot | Fly Bots | Robette | Spy-Bot | Percival | Baby Pumpkins | Flybot Sally |
| Cameron | Marie | Jenny | Meg | Timmy | Steven | Tommy | Tanya | Peter | Kate |
| Teacher | Santa Claus |
| Birdie | Moths | PJ Pets (Alley Cat, Owly, and Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, and Power Lizard) | Ruffles | Santa's Reindeer (Blitzen and Comet) |
| Naughty Bots | Robot | PJ Robot | Mabel | Fly Bots | Robette | Spy-Bot | Flybot Sally |
Other Heroes
| Santa Claus | Teeny Weeny | Pirate Robot | Orticia |